spotlight sunday

dirty loops, jazz, life, music, new book, spotlight sunday


So basically, if you don’t know who Dirty Loops are, I don’t even know what to say. Consider this your introduction to this truly unique band! They are a jazz fused with electronic pop sounding group. So. Good.

If you like this song, be sure to check out their debut album, Loopified. Henrik’s bass skills…

I first discovered them through their YouTube channel, where they posted cover videos with their own spin. I recommend checking out their cover of Britney Spear’s song, Circus, as well.


instagram: turnercollins_

spotlight sunday … on monday

indie, music, spotlight sunday, two door cinema club

Had a really busy weekend at work so I was too burnt out to post yesterday, I’m sorry! But I’ll make it up to you by posting an awesome Two Door Cinema Club song. These guys can do no wrong, I tell ya. They come up with the coolest riffs and unique instrumentation. If you like this song be sure to also check out a few of my other favourites: “changing of the seasons,” “golden veins,” “what you know,” “sun,” “I can talk,” and “cigarettes in the theater.”


spotlight sunday

colyer, indie, music, song, spotlight sunday

I wanted to swing the spotlight today towards a new artist who has recently released a banging single titled “Out For You.” He goes by Colyer and he a promising Indie artist. So new is this single, that I can’t even link a Youtube video here, so instead, here is a link to a soundcloud version for your listening pleasure.

p.s. This song is also on ITunes, so you can also check it out there as well.

Have a great week!



spotlight sunday

indie, jaymes young, music, song, spotlight sunday

This Sunday, we turn the spotlight towards a soulful singer with a voice smooth as satin. Turner and I have had an unhealthy addiction to this song the past couple of weeks. Enter Jaymes Young.

Other songs by Jaymes Young that are awesome…

Collins recommends: “I’ll be good” & “two more minutes”

Turner recommends: “Dark Star”

Give it a little listen and enjoy the rest of your week!
