A birthday wish

friendship, get to know me, joy, life, Uncategorized

Hey everyone!

As you all know, Collins is our main squeeze. She writes all the cool blog posts, posts all the cool music and is all around just super cool. Collins is the brains behind this crazy duo we have. It was recently my second halfs birthday, and I’d like to extend another one on here! May all her years furthermore be amazing and let’s hope she keeps pumping out all that awesome writing!

Your friend, Turner.


inspiration, joy, life, motivational

Ive found recently that the smallest things bring me joy. A good song, a discount, a light rain on a blistering day. Sometimes it’s those things that keep me grounded. Life can become hectic, frustrating and confusing. But if we stop for just a momet, take a deep breath and remember not to sweat it, to relax and appreciate life, we’ll feel that much better. What brings you joy? What makes you appreciate what life has to offer?
