The Collected

book, book quote, character, creative, excerpt, excerpt of the day, mental illness, mentalillness, sad, Uncategorized, word of the day, words to live by, writers, Writing, Writing, status update

Here is a piece of our current work in progress, coming soon.

  • Turner Collins

I wasn’t naive as to why I’d ended up where I was. I knew the lifestyle I had chosen could land me here. I was aware that my choices, my mistakes, they all had consequences. I knew all this and somehow I had still believed that the group of people I had chosen to dedicate my life to would protect me from this fate.

I was wrong. So very wrong.

The small 6 x 8 cell that had been my home for the last six months was my price to pay for those mistakes.

-Dach, The Collected

Connor Holden has OCD.

character, life, mentalillness, OCD, snippet, story, writing

So, often times Collins and I go off on our own and explore our own stories and characters. Generally, whilst we still work together. Let’s just say the amount of characters I have screaming to get out is pretty impressive. I’d like to share a snippet of a character who really wanted out. This is going to be a tough journey for me to get into words, but I’m up to Connor’s challenge.

“One. Two. Three. Four.”
No…It doesn’t feel right.
“One. Two.”
I’m pacing my bedroom. My palms clenched, sweat beading down my forehead, my dark hair falling into my eyes. I want to go out there. I want to walk down those stairs, sit on the couch with my family and welcome the new neighbours. But first, I need to get to seven. If I don’t get to seven, I’m going to have to start again. Let’s hope I get to seven.
