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book, book quote, book review, character, editing, writing

When you read your work aloud, the pro is definitely that it sounds like it’s so much longer than it actually is. It gives you a gist of how much work you actually put into it. The con, unfortunately is, though you get to ferret out all your grammatical and flow errors, you can’t understand what other people’s take on things is. You only know the characters and story in one way. The only way to understand if your characters are real or relatable is to take a leap and let others read your work. Scary, but necessary.


-Turner Collins

A review!

book, book review, review, writing

Hey ho, Turner here!

So, along with reading, writing, working, listening to tunes, chatting to Collins on Facebook about very random things and all the other things life seems to entail…I review! Yep. I read books and write reviews for authors, how cool is that? I read a lot of young adult, new adult, romance, supernatural, well…anything really.

This is a review I have done for author Liv Hayes, for her new adult romance entitled “Pulse”. Check it out if you like a good forbidden love story!

I’m not sure if I could think of enough words to describe this story, but I think I’ll start with these ones: Emotional, heart wrenching, realistic, romantic, relate able. I was sucked in and by page fourteen, I was hooked. I was holding my breath waiting to see what would happened to these forbidden lovers.

This story is about Mia, a young woman studying English in university. After a breakup occurs, she is sent to the hospital complaining of heart pains, which is how she meets the swoon-worthy Dr.Greene. I don’t want to give too much away in terms of the story as it was so strong and well written it is worth going into it without knowing any spoilers. But I will say, the story line was very unique and refreshing.

I found Mia’s character to be very realistic. So much so, that I couldn’t help but completely relate to her. I felt as if I knew her, I could imagine myself making the same choices she did. She wasn’t a typical, cookie cutter heroine that we find so often in new adult novels. She was learning about who she was, what she wanted and how to deal with difficult situations as any young woman would and that made this read just that much better.

Now…Dr. Alex Greene. I just…I don’t even know! He was a perfectly damaged man, in my mind. An older man than Mia, with a little more life experience, who unfortunately had not gotten to the point where he was satisfied in his life. He has a past, he has his own insecurities and his own faults, as any normal person would, but his heart was big and he had a lot of love to give. (No wonder he was a cardiologist).

These two characters embark on a very forbidden, but passionate ride and I enjoyed every minute of it. The writing was fluid and articulate. The characters were well defined and had their own voice and I never found myself bored or uninterested, it kept my rapt attention from beginning to end. The only reason this one did not earn a five star from me was simply because the ending felt a little too rushed and I would have liked an epilogue. However, those are just personal preferences. I would definitely recommend this one!

Four solid stars.
