A piece from a different piece

book, characters, love, shortstory, story

I decided to share a piece of something I’m working on separately from Collins. I know, the horror! This story is set in the UK, because, as you can tell from our musical choices, the UK is pretty darn awesome. It starts with two best friends, Imogen and Killian. Friends who have grown to love each other, but can’t find the words. It has humor, romance and all the cool stuff that comes with owning a hip record shop in London. Here is a little taste of what I’ve started!

“I hate you, Killian Brody.”
“And I love you, Imogen Harris!”
My heart stutters. For so long I have longed to hear those words. If only they were spoken in a different tone, with a different meaning. I know he only means as his friend, and that’s the part that breaks my heart every time. I swallow back the bitter pill of unrequited love…

– Turner

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